Privacy policy
Protecting your personal information is very important to me. On this page, I would like to inform you about data privacy measures in connection with my offers.
This privacy policy explains the nature, scope, and purposes of the collection and use of personal data by me, Michael Kaiser, as the publisher of this website:
Handling personal information in general
Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person, i.e. information that can be traced back to a person. This includes, for example, your name, email address, or telephone number. Information about interests or what websites someone has visited also belongs to this type of data.
I will only collect, use and disclose personal data when permitted by law or if the user consents to it.
Access data / Server log files
I (or my hosting providers on my behalf) collect certain data each time my offers are accessed using so-called server log files. This access data mainly includes the name of the website accessed, the specific page, date and time of access, the amount of data transferred, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referrer URL (previously visited page), IP address, and the requesting provider.
I will only use this log information for statistical evaluations with the purpose of operating, securing, and optimizing my offers. However, I reserve the right to subsequently check the log data in more detail if there is a justified suspicion of illegal use on the basis of concrete indications.
Cookies are small files that make it possible to store specific information about the user’s access device (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.) on the device itself. They serve the user-friendliness of websites and make it possible to collect statistical data on website usage for improving them.
You can control the use of cookies. Most browsers provide the option to restrict or completely prevent the storage of cookies. However, the use and in particular the comfort of use of my websites will be limited if this option is enabled.
Integration of third-party services and content
It is possible that content of third parties, such as videos from Wistia and YouTube, maps from Google Maps, RSS feeds or images from other websites are embedded in my offers. This always requires that the user’s IP address is made accessible to the providers of this content (hereinafter referred to as “third-party providers”). Without the IP address, it would not be possible to send the content to the user’s browser. I have no influence on whether the third-party providers store the IP address, for example, for statistical purposes.
A subscription to one of my various newsletters requires that I store your email address as well as proof that it belongs to you in my newsletter system. To prevent fraud, your IP address and the date of the subscription are registered as well.
My system also collects data on user behavior (e.g. opening emails or clicking on links) and stores all additional information that you have voluntarily and actively provided yourself in this context (e.g. your name). This data will only be used for my own newsletter services and will not be passed on to third parties.
You can revoke your consent to the storage of your data and its use for sending emails to you at any time. The revocation can be made by clicking on the link provided at the bottom of the newsletter emails, on the web page for the selection of topics, or by any other means provided on my contact page.
My newsletter system is operated by the service provider MailerLite and complies with the strict requirements of EU data protection law.
Direct contact
In case you contact me directly (e.g. via the form on this website or email), all information provided will be stored for processing your inquiry and possible follow-up at a later stage.
Inquiries, updates, corrections, and revocation
Users of my offers have the right, upon request and free of charge, to obtain information on the personal data stored about them. You also have the right to correct wrong data as well as to update, block or delete your information, as long as I do not have to retain it for legal obligations.